About the Air Jammer® Aerator System

The Air Jammer® Aerator is a unique device for injecting atmospheric oxygen into wastewater. It utilizes micron-sized bubble diffusion and hydraulic shear within a pressurized aeration chamber to produce a well-mixed, highly oxygenated, and conditioned liquid.
Wastewater, the primary target, is pumped through the Air Jammer’s® high-velocity nozzle at a hydraulic pressure of 20 psi. The resulting implosion and dramatic expansion shear the waste stream’s organic solids to macroscopic size and release the embedded grease and gas bubbles trapped within the solids.
The waste stream is then thoroughly mixed under pressure with aspirated air utilizing micron-sized bubbles to produce an exceptional oxygen transfer to the liquid, resulting in a dramatically improved environment for biological activity and, thus, rapid degradation of wastewater contaminants.
• Shears Solids
• Degasses Solids
• Precipitates Solids
• Floats Grease
• Adds Oxygen
• Controls Odor
• Controls Corrosion
• Reduces Chemical Use
• Rugged Construction
• Non-Clogging
• Expandable by Multiple Units
• No Moving Parts
• Self-Cleaning
• Low Maintenance
• Land-Based
• Retrofits Existing Systems
Areas of Use
• Lift Stations
• Pre-Aeration Systems
• Aeration Basins
• Effluent Aeration Cells
• FOG Flotation Units
• Aerobic Sludge Digesters
• Lagoons
• Replace Diffused Air
How Circulation Increases Oxygen Transfer
1. Oxygen depletion typically occurs at the bottom of the water. The normal oxygen transfer can occur by deep-circulating and bringing the oxygen-depleted water from the bottom to the surface. If the circulation pattern is deep enough, the oxygen-rich water is drawn back down to the bottom where it is most needed.
2. EPA manuals for waste pond operation show that with pond circulation, the oxygen-producing zone can be drawn down from a typical 6–18 in. to about 4 ft., thereby increasing direct oxygen production by over 2.5 times.
3. Typical surface scum and algae matting stops wave action and blocks photosynthesis. Circulation reduces surface encrustation and matting, thereby increasing oxygen transfer.
The Air Jammer® Systems Have Several Advantages Over Other Aeration Systems
1. The Air Jammer® has an excellent oxygen transfer to water/wastewater. As water is pumped through the Air Jammer® unit at specified rates and pressure, a vacuum is created at the air induction ports on each side of the unit. The vacuum created equals approximately twice the atmospheric pressure that water and people are subjected to—28 psi. This pressure forces atmospheric oxygen into the water.
Once this occurs, the oxygen can only be removed from the water by biological uptake from the waste stream or boiling the water. As wastewater is pumped through the unit, organics in the waste stream are sheared into the macroscopic size and thoroughly mixed with the oxygenated water. This shearing of organics into smaller particles allows bacteria to digest them easier.
2. The oxygen transfer stated above for Air Jammer® units is equal to the following:
• Model M-2 – 15 lb./hour
• Model M-3 – 27 lb./hour
• Model M-4 – 50 lb./hour
• Model M-6 – 101 lb./hour
3. The Air Jammer® system is land-based, allowing ease of installation and increased safety for maintenance requirements.
4. The Air Jammer® system pulls water or wastewater from the bottom or near the bottom of a lagoon or tank, mixing from bottom to top and executing circulation in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. This mixing and stirring greatly improves the operation of any system and will stop temperature inversions and odor problems caused by the changing seasons. The Air Jammer® will not create odors.
5. The Air Jammer® will place more oxygen in the water for less electrical cost than any aeration system available today.
Comparison of Oxygen Transfer Capabilities by Aerator Types
Product Name
Venturi Air Jammer®
Surface Low-Speed*
Surface Low-Speed with Draft Tube*
Surface High-Speed*
Surface Downdraft Turbine*
Submerged Turbine with Sparger*
Submerged Impeller (Stirrer)*
Surface Brush & Blade*
Transfer Rate Lbs. 02/Hp/HR
*Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal and Reuse, 3rd Edition.
Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. McGraw-Hill, NY, NY 1991
Surface aerators beat atmospheric oxygen into water that already has oxygen in it. Venturi aeration is configured to bring the most anoxic (oxygen-deficient) water into the venturi. This is where the venturi can achieve higher transfer rates of dissolved oxygen because there is less resistance at the air/liquid interface. Most aerators use the buoyancy transfer model for dissolved oxygen.

The venturi (Air Jammer®) uses the kinetic oxygen transfer model wherein the liquid is converted into macro-droplets of water and imploded with 2.2 volumes (twice the atmospheric pressure) of ambient air to one equivalent volume of liquid. The transfer occurs predominantly within the “mixing and oxidizing” zone of the Air Jammer®.
Note: The Air Jammer® and the Air Jammer logo are registered trademarks of THE ENVIRONMENTAL COMPANY, INC.